Join us

Join us

The UNESCO Chair has four community membership categories:

  • Individuals
  • Academic institutions (universities, research centres, training centres, colleges, knowledge sharing structures, etc)
  • Organisations
  • Funders



Individual community members support the vision and objectives of the Chair. Individual members can be academics, administrators, consultants, policy makers, practitioners, students and others.

Individuals can complete the online registration form to become a member of the Chair community.


Academic institutions

This category includes universities, research centres, training centres, colleges, knowledge sharing structures and other institutions that pursue research and capacity building in health education and health promotion in schools and communities in an academic setting.

To become a member of the Chair community, academic institutions can write a Letter of Intent or sign a Partnership Agreement. For more information please contact the UNESCO Chair secretariat.



Organisations can have an international, national or local scope. They carry out activities that are consistent with the aim of the UNESCO Chair GHE or want to support the UNESCO Chair as part of their social responsibility. Organisations can be cities, regions, NGO’s, public and private companies, networks and others.

For more information about membership of organisations please contact the UNESCO Chair secretariat.